We can provide you with an exact quote to complete your project
We will create a unique design for your website by listening to your requirements carefully to give you a beautiful and effective website which meets your needs.
Support by email or phone by real support team based in India. We are here to help you whenever you need us.
Google Analytics find how people finds your site, how many visitors you're getting, where they're coming from & which are your most popular pages.
Add news & event once and watch them display across the site. Facility of adding more detailed version in the form of text, file or image, controllable via the CMS.
Add unlimited photo & video albums session wise. Our smart system uploads bulk photos in one go and creats thumbnail of each uploaded image in real time.
The Google interactive map is a great tool for pinpointing your location and guiding people who are visiting your place for the very first time.
Google Translate tool on your website can translate your web pages into a lot of different languages. Really useful if you have visitors with first language not English.
The fastest way to connect with parents to inform them of an event or a holiday or to wish student a birthday or to send a fee reminders. A must have features for you.
You or any authorised user can keep your website up to date from home or school using a simple and familiar MS-Word like interface.
We makes the process of adding/updating content on your website as easy as possible by doing it for you under a website maintenance pack.
Our CMS system allows you to create unlimited pages & menus. Easily re-order menus & sub-menus, upload files, photos & videos.
Add key school dates including parents evening, school trips & term dates. Save list of events from an excel file or upload it in a PDF format.
Stay in touch with your alumni, they help you by refering new students, act as mentor, making corporate contacts, and providing financial support.
Schedule your web pages to be publish or unpublish on a later date when they are required.
Share essential information about students like performance, attendence in class, exam results, and/or about any pending payment to mention some.
Live broadcast your events, lectures, sports or anything of interest & appropriate can be broadcasted on your own website in real time.
Vast Web India Private Limited is the best choice if you are looking for website development of your school, college or Educational center.
The website or app for your educational institute, be it a school, college, university or online training, serves a type of purposes. It will provide the appropriate information to the proposed students and parents, communicate effectively with the student community, reach out to the general public and sponsors with regular updates and acts as a mouthpiece for the organization to the outer world. With desktops, tablets and apps replacing blackboards, traditional teaching methods have encountered a sea change. It is hence hazardous to have a website that is creative, informational, and technologically superior to any other site in the industry.
We vast web India, a specialist in educational portal development company in India, having designed and developed copious websites for the Education sector in the few years. The world of education is an ever-growing one and data technology has become an immense part of the learning process. Nowadays the internet plays a soothing role in our lives and therefore having an education portal is a must to increase student engagement to provide them with the best information about their courses in which they want to take admittance. We practice in providing effective, well-designed educational websites that provide useful information and aesthetically pleasing design.
The team at Vast Web India develops stunning websites for their clients. Websites can also be customized according to client’s requirement. Whatever the client wants in their website will be added in the site.
We make all kind of websites whether it’s single page stunning website, multi pages website-commerce website etc. We are the best design company for college and we are the best website design company for coaching center too.
We make the complete website by keeping client’s requirement in mind and left no stone unturned in creating amazing websites with beautiful and attractive Graphics, Banners and all the other functionalities that user requires. We have different packages for all kind of website designing and development from which you can choose the apt one for you.
In our team we have Best school and college website developer India, they know how to develop, design, and maintain a school or college website. They also know the important factors that should be present in a educational website like that of a school,college,tuition,educational center.This all helps the students to reach out right Institutions.Your School,College,Institution website will help more students willing to take admission in your school/college/institution to reach you. Parents of students nowadays searches online for the good institutions for the admission of their ward for a better future of their kids. Your website will help those parents to reach you easily and get connected with you.
We have designed several websites for Schools, Colleges and Educational Center and have so many Happy Clients. We also provide SEO services if you want SEO service for your website than we can do it very well and it will help your website to come in top google searches for Best Schools,Colleges,Educational Center etc.So.if you are looking for the best school website development company in Sikar then you are at right place.
Our analysts will thoroughly review your project requirements and select the most experienced developers best suited for your project.
Our experts will contact you within no time to discuss your project related queries and to offer the best solution for your project development.
Based on the project consultation provided by our experts, you can choose the engagement timelines for your project execution.
Make payment through our 100% secure online system and our team shall immediately get started on your project within 24 hours.